Arkansas Security Guard Practical Practice Exam 2024 - Free Security Guard Practice Questions and Study Guide

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What should be a security guard’s first step if a criminal offense happened to them while on site?

Arrest the person using only as much force as necessary

Wait until the end of the shift and write a report about the incident

Call your supervisor and have the supervisor arrest the subject

Report the incident to the police immediately

A Arresting the person should only be done by law enforcement, not by a security guard. Using force can also potentially escalate the situation and put the guard in danger. B: Waiting until the end of the shift and just writing a report is not an appropriate response to a criminal offense. The police should be notified as soon as possible to ensure the safety of the guard and others on site. C: The supervisor may not be immediately available and it is the responsibility of the security guard to report the incident to the police. Relying on the supervisor to handle it could delay the proper response and put others at risk.


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